
AI/ML Engineer

This job opening is archived


  • Implement benchmarks for comparison of existing LLMs;
  • Perform fine-tuning and use adapter models to improve the quality of LLMs;
  • Experiment with the model architecture to improve the quality and inference speed;
  • Research and implement various approaches to speed up LLMs.


  • Familiarity with Deep Learning techniques (e.g. Network architectures, regularization techniques, learning techniques, loss-functions, optimization strategies, etc.);
  • Familiarity with Transformer, BERT and GPT architecture;
  • Familiarity with PyTorch;
  • Familiarity with HuggingFace Transformers;
  • Familiarity with classical algorithms;
  • Experience with Python;
  • Experience building systems based on machine learning, deep learning methods, or natural language processing;

    Qualification that can be a plus:
  • A Master’s degree in a field related to AI/ML;
  • Experience manipulating and analyzing complex, high-volume, high-dimensionality data from varying sources;
  • Experience with data preprocessing and data augmentation techniques;
  • Experience with Prompt Engineering;
  • Experience with LoRA and P-Tuning;


  • A steep springboard for personal and professional growth;
  • Employment contract under EU law, fully white salary, work visa for 3 years, company support in obtaining work visas for family members;
  • Full relocation package (tickets to Limassol for you and your family, taxi to the office, apartments for the first month at our expense);
  • The individual development plan, courses from different platforms that you like;
  • Any conference around the world (we will pay for participation and organize logistics once a year);
  • Language courses, mindfulness webinars, corporate discounts on Coursera and other platforms, corporate incentive programs;
  • Free catering in the office, and a free cafeteria with a health bar;
  • The equipped office in the center of the city; 
  • Medical insurance for the whole family, mobile package, support with the purchase of a car, and covering of school/kindergartens expenses;
  • New MacBook / iMac;
  • The possibility of self-realization, and the possibility to influence technical decisions making;
  • Big friendly community, IT international teams, corporate events, team buildings, and hackathons.
This job opening is archived